Time Out – It’s Not Just For Toddlers

Mad world
Image by alles-schlumpf via Flickr

We all know what giving a child a time out is, but did you know it is also one of the best things you can give yourself?

When you place a child in time out you have them stop what they are doing, usually go sit or stand someplace (the nearest corner usually works) and ask them to think about what they did.  The child thinks about what they did wrong, it gets them to calm down and usually after it is done them behavior better.

How many times have you felt

Tips To Be A Happy Mom

While we usually focus on the business aspect of improvement, you also need balance in your life.  Too often I see people trying to climb the corporate ladder at the expense of their family.  In her article, “Nine Tips To…

Volunteering Is A Privilege

Volunteer (album)
Image via Wikipedia

Have you ever considered volunteering but decided it just wasn’t worth it?  You have more important things to do with your time.  Besides, my time is valuable, I can’t just give it away.

Well if that has been your thought process then I have a couple articles you should read.  Brian Dodd On Leadership has an article called “10 Privileges Of Being A Volunteer” that you should read.  It is in two parts.  Here are the 10 highlights.

A Ritual Can Give You Power

Romuvan ritual fire
Image via Wikipedia

There is a good article on The Power Of Ritual on the http://www.fitnesstrainergrange.com.au/ site.

I found this very interesting and true.

“Life is wasted in the in-between times.  The time between when your alarm first rings and when you finally decide to get out of bed. The time between making a decision and doing something about it. Slowly

Can You Fall In Love With Procrastination – Should You?

Image by Mickie Quick via Flickr

Steve Pavlina over at www.StevePavlina.com is no stranger to procrastination.  However, his article on “How To Fall In Love With Procrastination” takes a different twist on the topic.  In the article he writes:

“Many time management experts label procrastination in strictly negative terms such as ‘the thief of time.’ But is procrastination always such a negative experience? Is there a

Is Self Improvement Necessary To Win At Life?

Self Improvement est. 1976
Image by gwen via Flickr

I ran across an interesting twist on motivating yourself that you don’t hear very often.  It’s not your step by step action plan but a higher level – remember why you are doing this – activity.

The Coaching for PErsonal Development site has an article called “Why Self-Improvement Motivation Is A Necessary Foundation To Win At Life

The best take away was:

“One of the better sources of effective, obstacle-leaping self-improvement motivation is to consider what you can do to