Surfing around the web I found a great reference site called IQMatrix. They have a fantastic article on 44 Key Strategies. The coolest thing is they have mind maps for each of the main areas. Here’s a taste of what you will find in the article.
The Time Management Process
- Begin by Tracking Your Time
- Set SMART Goals
- Follow Up with Plans of Action
- Create Task Specific TO DO Lists
- Prioritize Your Tasks Accordingly
- Chunk Down Your Tasks
- Schedule Blocks of Time to do Tasks
- Stick to the 80 / 20 Rule
- Balance Your Routine
Effective Time Management Strategies
- Be Flexible with Your Time
- Be Inflexible with Setting Time Limits
- Organize Yourself
- Organize Your Environment
- Get Organized by Setting Reminders
- Identify Bad Habits
How to Gain More Time Throughout Your Day
Improve Critical Time Management Skill Areas
- Computer Literacy
- Creative Capacity
- Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Skills
- Delegating Ability
- Negotiation Skills
- Emotional Intelligence
- Multitasking Ability
- Decision Making Ability
- Speed of Reading
Techniques to Help You Gain More Time
- Utilize Affirmations
- Take Regular Breaks
- Learn to Say “No”
- Create Systems & Processes
- Eliminate Unnecessary Obligations & Tasks
- Commit to Constant Improvement
The Mindset of an Efficient Time Manager
- Critical Time Efficiency Questions
- Become an “Optimistic Realist”
- Become “Proactive” Rather than “Reactive”
- Apply Focused Concentration
- Don’t Seek Perfection
- Show Commitment & Discipline towards Completing Your Tasks
- Show an Enthusiastic Attitude
Common Time Wasting Activities
- Avoid the Habits of Procrastination & Laziness
- Avoid the Trap of “Waiting”
- Avoid Constant Disruptions
- Avoid the Habit of Just “Staying Busy”
- Avoid the Technology Trap
- Avoid these 3 Time Robbing Emotions
Just by reading the above you can get a lot of great ideas, but don’t be lazy and skip going to the actual page. It has a lot more information for each of the items listed.